Find yourself wondering if you even qualify for a AZ medical marijuana patient card? If you are, you’ve come to the right place. Sticky Saguaro will help explain the major qualifying conditions to obtain a medical marijuana card in the state of AZ.
In order to qualify for a mmj medical card, you must be diagnosed with one of the following ailments and provide one year of previous medical records that include the diagnosis of the qualifying medical condition.
AZ Qualifying Medical Conditions
– A group of diseases including abnormal cell growth. With the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. According to a study in Israel, medical marijuana helped cancer patients with nausea and vomiting, weight loss, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, fatigue, sexual dysfunctions, bowel disorders and itching. Most impressive and promising benefit is the ability to kill cancer cells and stop the disease from spreading. Research is ongoing.
– A disease that damages your optic nerve and can lead to impaired vision or blindness. In a study held in 1971, marijuana decreased the intraocular pressure of some participants.
– (HIV) Human Immunodeficiency Virus. (AIDS) A disease where there is a severe loss of body’s cellular immunity, lowering the resistance to infection and malignancy. MMJ can help mitigate nausea, appetite loss, pain, and anxiety for wasting syndrome in AIDS patients
Hepatitis C
– An infection caused by a virus that attacks the liver and leads to inflammation. Studies show that CBD can help calm the symptoms of hep c and also help patients stay on hep c treatments, calming the side effects.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
– Also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. A nervous system disease that weakens muscles and impacts physical function. According to a doctor of the University of Washington, Medical Marijuana has many properties that can help the management of ALS, including analgesia, muscle relaxation, saliva reduction, stimulation of appetite and help sleeping. Other studies on animals have shown that cannabis may also slow the progression of ALS.
Chrohn’s Disease
– A chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects the lining of the digestive tract. Studies show that medical patients who used marijuana showed greater improvement in symptoms. Some were even able to achieve complete remission of the disease.
Alzheimer’s Disease
– A progressive disease that destroys memory and other important mental functions. Marijuana might protect the brain from Alzheimer’s, according to a study published in 2016. Cannabis appears to reduce inflammation and accumulation of amyloid beta plaques. THC can also help with sleep disturbances and daily doses can actually improve symptoms of dementia.
A chronic or debilitating condition, or it’s treatment that produces one or more of the following:
Cachexia (wasting syndrome)
– A general state of ill health involving marked weight and muscle loss. Studies have shown that cannabis can help stimulate appetite and reduce nausea.
Severe & chronic pain
– Medical Marijuana gives you an alternative to painkillers or spinal injections. Strains high in THC can help relieve pain, while strains high in CBD can reduce inflammation.
Severe nausea
– Several studies show that mmj can reduce nausea in various conditions. Yet another reason why it’s helpful in cancer treatment.
Seizures (including epilepsy)
– Marijuana has very well-documented anti-seizure properties. CBD can also safely reduce the frequency of seizures, without a “high”.
Severe or persistent muscle spasms (including those characteristic of multiple sclerosis)
– MMJ patients have found relief from pain, gastrointestinal distress, muscle spasms, and even paralysis. Cannabis may also help calm your spasms.
– Severe anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to any event that results in psychological trauma. Studies have shown that medical marijuana can help treat the anxiety, sleep disturbances and depression that accompany PTSD.
AZ MMJ Sidenote
A qualifying medical marijuana patient in Arizona may purchase and possess up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana every 14 days.
MMJ (medical marijuana) can be consumed, in edible form in public places, but cannot be smoked in public.
The information on qualifying conditions for mmj card in Arizona is presented for educational purposes only. Sticky Saguaro provides this information to give potential medical marijuana patients an understanding of the potential applications of cannabis.